Embrace your company's potential


Web Design

Get your website created, hosted, and maintained by one of our professionals. Let us create a beautiful website for your business.

Web Design


SEO/SEM Marketing

Search engine optimization/marketing can take up to 100 hours per week. Save precious time and energy by letting our team optimize your website. Allow the customers to find you instead of your competition.

SEO Services

globe, group of the people and notebook on white background

Social Media

Every successful business needs to have a good social media presence. Let our team manage social media accounts and bring in new business with targeted marketing strategies.

Social Media

Welcome to Strange Marketing LLC

Here at Strange Marketing we provide a number of tools required to make your company successful. We'll create and host a new and beautiful website for you, or manage an existing website. From there our experts optimize your website for SEO marketing. To do this we scour every inch of your website and make sure everything is configured exactly how Google and other search engines want it to be. We do market research on keywords that will lead your potential customers to your website, instead of your competitors. Speaking of competitors, our professional marketers research exactly how your competitors get their traffic, and mimic the things that are working. By doing this, we drive more traffic to your website by literally ciphering traffic away from your competition. Our goal is to establish your business as an authority in your respective field, which increases your search engine rank and drives more traffic to your website.


Business personas  are created for marketing directly to the types of people who are more likely to want the services or products that your business offers. For example, is you're selling school supplies, you're going to market your product to parents and college aged students. Focused advertising is an important need for any business to create good business relationships and increased ROI (return on investment).


Email marketing is a very important part of marketing for most business models. We can setup what is called a lead magnet. Lead magnets drive users to your website and helps to build an email list for you. This will allow you to keep your customers up to date on upcoming offers, and keeps them coming back regularly. Let us handle your email marketing and you'll continue gathering repeat customers.

Local Business

For local businesses, or any company with a physical address, we can make sure your business is registered with all relevant local review and service sites. For example, Yelp, Angie's list, Google business, etc. By creating these accounts it gives us the ability to drive users to leave reviews and boost you for local search results. How many times, as a consumer, have you let Yelp or another website dictate where your money was spent?

Social Media

Social Media management can be a daunting task for any business owner. When posting on social media you have to do more than simply post a link and a few words. Our experts know exactly what to do to get more people engaged. We know how to post for optimal marketing on each network, whether it be Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, or another platform. Let Strange Marketing handle that for you.


We pride ourselves in keeping our clients updated on the progress of their websites and marketing. We'll provide monthly reports so you can see how well we're working for you. Together we can drive more traffic to your website, reach more customers, and generate more revenue for your business. We look forward to working with you